Release news: Moscow secrets. Count park

The first show of the detective “Count park”, the first movies of “Moscow Secrets” cycle, will take place on “TV Center” channel on April 19, at 20:05.

Actors: Anna Starshenbaum, Evgeny Pronin, Svetlana Timofeeva-Letunovskaya, Alexander Robak, Yekaterina Semenova, Vladislav Vetrov, Alexey Longin A body of a young woman is found early in the morning in the territory of Ostankino Park. Someone has spread her body on the grass, stretching her arms behind her head and tying a rope to her leg. The woman is alive, but in a coma. Nastya Vyazemskaya does not have time to unravel the meaning of this perverted ritual, as there is a new victim found in the park — a man who has miraculously survived it. The mystery thickens over Ostankino. Who would come here to walk and admire the Manor of Sheremetev when there is a dangerous maniac looking for new victims here? Nastya begins guessing the criminal was inspired by legends about the wife of the count, serf actress Zhemchugova. But having unmasked the villain, she realizes he was just a puppet in somebody else's hands...

Directed by: Anton Pavlyuchik
Written by: Kamil Zakirov
Film producer: Rodion Pavlyuchik
Producer: Studio "Telemaster" LLC
Genre: detective
Runtime: 90 minutes
Release year: 2019

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